Announcing the 2017 DriverMod Writing Contest!

Hey DriverMod Reader! 

Do YOU like writing awesome car stories?

Do YOU want a free Gridlife admission passes? 

Here’s the deal. The DriverMod crew is heading to Gridlife Midwest at Gingerman Raceway, from June 9th to 11th. What is Gridlife? Think some of the fastest time-attack monsters in the country battling it out. Think 1000 bhp drift cars going tandem. Imagine the largest car show that you’ve ever been to, and double it. There’s even beginner-friendly lapping and a music festival where gearheads party the night away. Basically, Gridlife is a massive automotive orgy. 

Somehow, we ended up with three tickets that we don’t need. How can you win one of these coveted tickets? We’re hosting a DriverMod writing contest! We’re looking for short stories, between 600 to 1000 words.

Things like: 

  • The story about that time you took your Dad’s 2002 Chevy Cavalier lapping and it caught on fire. 
  • A story about your buddy’s Evo 9 that was purchased for $700 from a salvage yard and built into an 800 whp monster. 
  • A story about that time you bolted a $500 eBay turbo kit to your d-series Civic, made 300 whp and blew it up a week later.  
  • A story about that time you imported a 1995 Mazda Rx-7 from Japan, where you document the importation process. 

We’re car people. We want to hear about your automotive adventures, your triumphs, and your failures. What is the winner going to receive? 

Submissions can be sent to
We’ll be accepting submissions until June 1st, 2017, and will announce the winner shortly after. 

Also, uhh, if you’re interested in buying them outright, let us know as well.  

Good Luck! 